Hidden Chronicles

Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 74
Super clue: Blue Bracelet
Used words: Ankh, Anubis Statue, Apple, Arrow, Axe, Baboon, Bananas, Bastet Statue, Bee, Bee's Wax, Blue Lotus, Blue Vase, Bow, Bowl of Water, Broken Pot, Bronze Pitcher, Canopic Jar, Cartouch, Cat Mummy, Chameleon, Charcoal Pile, Chariot, Chisel, Clay Goblet, Clay Mug, Cobra, Collar Necklace, Comb, Crocodile Skull, Crook and Flail, Dagger, Egyptian Mask, Embalming Hook, Eye of Horus, Falcon, Fan, Fish, Flute, Golden Sarcophagus, Grapes, Gypsum, Hand Mirror, Harp, Head Stand, Ibis, Leopard Skin, Moon, Ostrich Plume, Papyrus, Patch, Plumbline, Pyramid, Rope, Sandal, Sawdust Pile, Scales, Scarab, Senet Game, Shield, Ship, Sliced Figs, Snail, Spear, Sphinx, Star, Sun, Sword, Turquise Bracelet, Tweezers, Unused Bandages, White Bowl, Wig, Wings, Wooden Mallet
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