Hidden Chronicles

Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 67
Super clue: Completed Totem
Used words: 6 Fingered Hand, Airbrush, Ape Finger Painting, Autumn Leaf, Baby Picture, Backpack, Bar Code, Blank Canvas, Brushes, Bullseye, Bumper Sticker, Butterfly, Canary, Candles, Crayons, Doberman, Dreamcatcher, Drinking Glass, Easel, Electric Fan, Empty Frame, Fake Blood, Faucet, Fawn, Finger Painting, Fountain Pen, Ghostly Figure, Glue Stick, Gold Nugget, Gold Ring, Green Z, Jar of Sand, Loch Ness Monster, Magnet Bracelet, Magnifying Glass, Modeling Clay, Mosaic Tile, Mouse, Old Camera, Paint Splatter, Painter's Palette, Palette Knife, Paper Mache, Pastel Picture, Pigeons, Postcard, Poster Board, Potted Ivy, Pug, Rabbit, Radio, Rubber Gloves, Sand Dollar, Sasquatch Slippers, Slide Rule, Smiley, Spider Ring, Stack of Coins, Suitcase, Table Lamp, Top Hat, Treasure Map, Turpentine, Two-Headed Turtle, Venus Flytrap, Watercolors, Waterfall
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