Hidden Chronicles

Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 67
Super clue: Repair Xylophone
Used words: Ashtray, Banjo, Barrel, Blank Papers, Blue Drum, Boots, Bow, Box of Chocolates, Bucket, Cane, Cape, Chalk Powder, Clarinet, Coat Hooks, Conductor's Wand, Corset, Cowbell, Cymbals, Dog, Drill Bits, Drinking Glass, Drumsticks, Feather Boa, Flag, Flask, Flute, Fountain Pen, Fresh Bouquet, Gaslamp, Grapes, Makeup Kit, Mandolin, Maracas, Moth, Open Case, Paint Roller, Pedals, Piano Poster, Piano Stool, Pocketknife, Quarter Note, Record, Red Book, Sandbag, Satchel, Saxophone, Sheet Music, Silver Gong, Smiling Mask, Spiderweb, Stained Glass, Stepping Stool, Sun, Tambourine, Top Hat, Torn Painting, Toy Chair, Treble Clef, Trombone, Trophy, Trumpert, Tuning Fork, Violin, Wax-covered Bottles, Wind Chimes, Wine Bottle, Wooden Dowels
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