Hidden Chronicles

Home > Grounds > Secluded Retreat > Secluded Retreat 2
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 75
Super clue: no
Used words: Apple, Astrolabe, Balloon, Banana Peel, Baseball, Basket, Boat, Bobbin, Bonsai, Boot, Broken Plate, Bunny Topiary, Butterfly, Candle, Cat, Chess Board, Chess Timer, Chocolate, Cigare, Cup, Daisy, Dandelion, Deer, Dog, Dollar Bill, Flashlight, Fork, Garland, Gift, Glass, Guitar, Hamburger, Handkerchief, Handprint, Hanger, Horse, Horseshoe, Ice Buckets, Icecream, Knife, Large Pinecone, Lemon, Liana Vines, Lizard, Magnifying Glass, Maple Leaf, Mouse, Newspaper, Oatmeal Cookies, Old Book, Paper Bag, Pipe, Pyramid, Rake, Rider Helmet, Rope, Rose, Rubber Mallet, Sandwich, Scarf, Shovel, Silver Tongs, Slippers, Smart Phone, Snail, Snake, Tacklebox, Towel, Umbrella, Watering Can, White Glove, White Hat, Windchime, Wine Bottle, Wrench
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