Hidden Chronicles

Home > Featured > Roxalena > Doc's Underground Lab
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 75
Super clue: no
Used words: Anatomy Chart, Axe, Bag, Bandage, Bandaging Tape, Barrel, Bat, Blowtorch, Blue Knob, Blue Pill, Bottle, Bottle of Pills, Brain, Bucket, Burnt Letter, Cabinet, Cage, Candle, Cat, Chest Key 3, Clock, Cobweb, Cracked Glass, Door Chain, Fan, Femur Bone, First Key, Flammable Sign, Flashlight, Flask, Forceps, Frog, Funnel, Glove, Goggles, Hamster, Hat, Journal, Lab Coat, Map, Matchbox, Medical Box, Medical Lamp, Medical Mask, Microscope, Molecules, Monkeys, Ornate Key, Ottoman Guildbook, Plasma, Rabbit, Radioactive Symbol, Rat, Rope, Scalpel, Sconce, Shovel, Skeleton, Skull, Spatula, Spoon, Steam, Stethoscope, Stool, Syringe, Telephone, Test Tubes, Timer, Tray, Tripod, Umbrella, Uranium, Wooden Box, X-Ray, X-Ray Goggles
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