Hidden Chronicles

Home > Featured > Berlin Wall > Festival of Lights
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 74
Super clue: no
Used words: Accordian, Airplane, Ballons, Banana, Barrel, Beer Glass, Bicycle, Blimp, Blue Candy, Bunting, Candy Apple, Carousel, Cat, Cello, Cello Stick, Change Box, Confetti, Cup, Disguise, Dog, Drum, Elephant, Ferris Wheel, Fire Works, Fish Lantern, Flag, Flowers, Fountain, Gloves, Green Candy, Guitar, Hat, Helicopter, Horse, Hot Dog, Jelly Fish, Keys, Kites, Latch, Lollipop, Mask, Metal Bench, Microphone, Money, Monkey, Moon, Moth, Party Horn, Pear, Pineapple, Plums, Popcorn, Poster, Pretzels, Puppet, Rope Barricade, Scarf, Shopping Bag, Snow Flake, Spiral, Spot Light, Stamp, Star Lamp, Street Lamp, String Lights, Teddy Bears, Tickets, Tower, Tripod, Trombone, Tuba, Umberella, Walking Stick, Wreath
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