Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > Ring of Truth > Reno Casino
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 71
Super clue: no
Used words: 26, 7, Ace, Airplane, Apple, Bacon, Balloon, Bell, Black Screen, Book, Bulb, Carpet Stain, Cat, Cell Phone, Cherries, Chicken, Chocolate Bar, Club, Cockroach, Coffee Mug, Crown, Diamond, Dice, Dollar Sign, Dragon, Egg, Envelope, Fern, Fleur-de-lis, Fly, Fork, Fur Coat, Gold Coin, Goldfish, Grapes, Hard Hat, Heart, Identification Card, Jackpot, Kiss, Lipstick, Map, Matches, Mirror, Mosquito, Mouse, Napkin, Newspaper, Pencil, Photograph, Pillow, Pliers, Pork Pie Hat, Rabbit's Foot, Rose, Scooter, Shoes, Smoke Detector, Sock, Soup, Stamp, Star, Steering Wheel, Suitcase, Sunglasses, Tassle, Tooth, Vase, Visor, Wanted Poster, Watch
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