Hidden Chronicles

Home > Episodes > Mumbai > Dhobi Ghat
Color: Red Yellow Green Blue White Hover color: Red Yellow Green Blue White
Total objects: 76
Super clue: no
Used words: 55, Antenna, Auto Rickshaw, Ball, Banana Peel, Basket, Billboard, Blue Drum, Bottle, Bulb, Cable Wires, Candle, Cellphone, Chain, Chillis and a Lemon, Clothespins, Cockroach, Creeper, Crow, Curtain, Dirty Laundry, Elephant, Festive Lantern, Flag, Glove, Graffiti, Green Clothes, Helicopter, Helmet, Holy Basil Plant, Incense Sticks, Kettle, Kite, Ladder, Lizard, Lotus, Mango, Marbles, Matchbox, Metal Bucket, Missing Brick, Newspapers, No Parking Sign, Orange Hose, Paper Plane, Parrot, Picture Frame, Pigeons, Plastic Bag, Plastic Buckets, Plume of Smoke, Polka-dotted Saree, Postbox, Radio, Red Chillies, Red Mug, Sacks, Samosas, Satellite Dish, Scooter, Slipper, Spectacles, Steel Chair, Street Light, Switchboard, Table Fan, Tea, Temple, Ticket, Tires, Top, Tricycle, Umbrella, Water Tank, Wooden Bat, Wooden Plank
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